The crowdfunding campaign exceeded the target of 10 thousand euros that had been established and guarantees Lisboa Para Pessoas a basis of sustainability until the end of this year.

The media outlet Lisbon For People closed, at the end of April, the biggest campaign of crowdfunding ever launched for a local journalism project in Lisbon. The crowdfunding campaign exceeded the target of 10 thousand euros that had been established and guarantees Lisboa Para Pessoas a basis of sustainability until the end of this year.
Launched in February 2021, Lisboa Para Pessoas is a local, journalistic publication that was created to help make the city more informed and participatory. Focusing on the themes of mobility, sustainability and public space, Lisboa Para Pessoas is a meeting point for Relevant and critical stories about the city, of Useful guides for those who want to experience Lisbon in a different way, of a Data library and documentation that should be more accessible, and largest digital community in the city.
THE crowdfunding It emerged at the end of a year of work, with proven results, and with the aim of ensuring Lisbon for People for another 10 months, between March and December 2022. The fundraising campaign surpassed the initial target of 10 thousand euros that had been proposed, becoming an unparalleled success story at a local level and also in the Portuguese media landscape. More than 15 thousand views on the pages of crowdfunding resulted in 263 supporters and 11,110 euros raised.

“When I decided to build and launch Lisboa Para Pessoas in 2021, I knew I had to invest a lot of my time in this project. I had to dedicate myself to the city, its charms and its problems. A year later, with the evidence already proven, I thought it was time to ask a question to all the people who have joined us as readers and followers: is Lisboa Para Pessoas important for the city? If so, let’s fund it together.”, comments Mário Rui André, journalist and founder of Lisbon For People. “The success of the crowdfunding campaign confirms my commitment to doing the work I have been doing, now with added responsibility.”
Born from scratch and the result of a personal investment, Lisboa Para Pessoas has this crowdfunding guaranteed until the end of 2022. During the next few months, the project will be focused on finding other forms of financing that will allow the lifespan of this project to be extended.