The series of talks The End of Objective Truth, in which Shifter participated in 2021, gave rise to a book of texts and essays. An edition by Atelier-Museu Júlio Pomar/EGEAC.

The cycle of conversations The End of Objective Truth, in which Shifter participated in July 2021, was published by Atelier-Museu Júlio Pomar in a small book of essays, which includes a text by João Gabriel Ribeiro, editor of Shifter. It is a limited edition and which can be ordered on the Atelier website.
The cycle, conceived and moderated by researcher João Ricardo Mateus, is preserved in time and space in this edition. The End of Objective Truth It consisted of three conversations throughout the month of July 2021, in which the aim was to reflect and discuss the possible non-existence of a single, objective truth. “Based on this assumption regarding the end of a matrix by which society could govern itself, it is important to identify what precedes and what will replace this paradigm based on an idea of univocal truth.”

João Gabriel Ribeiro, director and editor of Shifter, participated in the third conversation of this series, dedicated to “dissolution of the real”. It is also on this theme that João reflects in the essay now published in this collection, which also features texts by Sara Antónia Matos, Pedro Faro, Alice dos Reis, Aurora Almada e Santos, Carolina Novo, Diana Geiroto, Jéssica Sousa, Jesualdo Lopes, João Mateus, Odete, Patrícia Castello Branco and Vitor Grilo Silva. With graphic design by João Desidério and Ricardo Mateus, this physical edition can be purchased for €6.